
Showcases Featured Showcase Showcase

To guarantee a equal and fair share of the shows for all exhibitors, does not allow customer to bring their own showcases to the Exhibition.

All showcases are equal and uniform for all exhibitors and are part of the Table rent arrangements.

Each Showcase rental includes 1 showcase, 1 light and 1 chair for the whole duration of the show.

Each table in the Exhibition hall holds 2 showcases.

Pricing for our showcases range on average between HKD 6,600 and HKD 10,000 for a two day show, with Early Bird Discounts of 10% for Reservation at least 4 weeks in advance and payment through our online system at least 14 days before the start of the show.

Payments at the show for the showcase rentals are always at the regular list price.

Please remember we are a Member's Only Event which is open to the public only as visitors and we will not allow the conduct of business if you are not a member and have reserved at least one showcase for each show.





Hello. I'm Thomas G. Milani, founder, promoter and director of My role is essentially the organization, marketing and press of our shows, but mostly is to enjoy every detail of these great events.

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